Practicefirst has just been made aware of a third plan option for the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Federal Employee Program. Effective January 1, 2019 FEP Blue Focus will become available as a plan offering low premiums and copay's for every day healthcare needs. The plan covers preventive essentials (in-network only), including:
The first ten doctor and specialist visits for $10 each
Generic prescription drug coverage. No benefits for mail order pharmacy
Rewards for getting an annual checkup
With this plan, no referrals are required. There are no benefits for skilled nursing facility inpatient care. The plan has an expanded list of services requiring prior authorization when FEP is the primary payer. Failure to obtain prior authorization if services are determined covered and medically necessary will result in a $100 reduction in benefit.
Additional information about this plan is available on their website at
For Billing questions, please contact Tammy Bartlett at 716-389-3223 or